Best Sleeping

6 tips for a quality sleep


The way of a healthy life goes well from sleep: 6 tips for a quality sleep

There are many scientific studies that show that sleep positively affects the quality of life of man. Nevertheless, it is not easy for many people to fall asleep or get a quality sleep. What can we do to improve sleep quality?

If you want to have a long and healthy life, you have to try to sleep well in the evenings.

Matthew Walker

Walker, a professor of neuroscience and psychology at the University of California, Berkeley, examined the data from millions of people who participated in a series of epidemic diseases and the relationship between sleep and healthy living Published in a book.

Sleep Problem

Sleep is the most democratic and the most free health system that exists on Earth,” Walker describes.

After about half a century of research, scientists who work in the field of sleep are now focusing on the question of “What is the benefit of sleep”, not the question of “what is the benefit that sleep does not provide us”.

What are the benefits of sleep?

Scientific studies have revealed that insomnia has made very serious effects on our brain and body. Almost all of the situations that cause deaths such as Alzheimer’s, cancer, heart attack, obesity, sugar, depression and even suicide are important or connected with insomnia.

Major physiological systems and brain-related activities in the human body are renewed while sleeping. In the case of insomnia, serious troubles are showing. But despite all the benefits of sleep, falling asleep is not always easy. The benefits of sleeping pills are controversial due to a number of health problems that it brings.

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But what can be done for a quality sleep?

Prof. Walker ranks six proposals for good sleep:

1- Sleep at the same time every day, rise at the same time

The first step in putting a good sleep pattern is simple: lie at the same time every day and rise at the same time. And the most important thing is to turn your wake-up habit. If you wake up every day at the same time, then at the end of the day you sleep at the same hours.

Dim bedroom

2- Bury Your room in darkness

It is necessary to provide a dark environment for the secretion of melatonin hormone, which is of great importance in regulating the body’s bioritism. Dim your room an hour before bedtime. Another factor that negatively affects melatonin secretion is the blue light from the screen of electronic devices. Stop using an electronic device at least an hour before sleeping.

3- Keep the environment cool

The way of a good night’s sleep is the cool of the atmosphere you sleep in. For a restful sleep, our brains and the temperature of our body should be 1 degree lower than normal. Therefore, the ideal temperature of the room is around 18 degrees.

4- Use your bed to sleep only

If your time to fall asleep exceeds 20 minutes, get out of bed and do something else in another room until your sleep comes. Read a book, watch TV. But don’t do it in your bed. Not having any activity other than sleeping in your bed will allow your brain to reconcile the place with sleep, which leads to increased sleep quality.

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5- Reduce stimulators like coffee

A person consumes substances that stimulate the nervous system, such as cola, caffeine and Tein, in high quantities during the day. Prof. Walker recommends that you stop receiving these substances 12 hours before sleep. Walker says the caffeine in the coffee is in your body for up to 12 hours. So even though you think you don’t drink coffee a few hours before sleep, caffeine from the coffee you consume earlier will remain active in your body.

6- Pay attention to alcohol consumption

Contrary to the general opinion, there is no rule that alcohol helps you sleep comfortably. Rather, a high amount of alcohol consumption before sleep can seriously adversely affect your sleeping quality.

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