mattress Pest

How to kill bed bugs?


Bed bugs and wooden wolves are different insects

The bed bugs, usually mixed with the wooden worm, are an average 0,19 inc size and a harmful type of insect in the flat form. Thanks to its flat and small body as it is difficult to notice with the size of the Apple kernel; Can be stored very easily in homes, hotels, workplaces and even in your clothes. Well, what causes bed bugs and what are the damages of bed bugs, let’s answer them first.

Where does bed bugs live?

Especially the bed bugs that arise at night are stored in different places throughout the day. In the cracks on the walls, in places where the wall and floor meet, the cabinets and furniture live inside, in the crevices, in the hollow, behind the Headboard and in the bed.

mattress Pest
Mattress bugs

How to invade bed bugs?

Bed bugs, often seen in hotels, can manage to enter your home with your suitors, clothes or pets. A few bed bugs that you will carry into your home are sufficient for the bed bugs invasion. The bed bugs, which can spawn around 200 at a time, place these eggs together into small cracks, holes, or cupboards that are intertwined. So if you see only one bed bugs in your house, you should know that it means 200 pieces of bed bugs waiting to come out.

What are the damages of bed bugs?

The likelihood of bed bugs getting infected is quite high. The previous bites of blood that were bitten and absorbed by the blood may infect their victims on subsequent bites. In addition, when you wake up in the morning after a bite of bed bugs that are stuck in the house, such as cats, dogs and birds, you will be alone with a feeling of irritated skin, itching and distress. If there is no precaution against bed bugs, then the emergence of eczema in the later times is also possible.

How to kill bed bugs?

bed bugs
Bed bugs and Human

There are many ways you can try to combat the bed bugs that invade your home. By carefully applying these methods, you can achieve certain results, greatly reducing the likelihood of seeing bed bugs in your home. What are these methods, let’s see:

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1- Detailed cleaning and brushing

The first thing you need to do to fight the bed bugs is to clean up all the slots, hollow, corner, furniture, inside, bed and floor between the eggs, which they can lay down and live. With the help of a brush, you can brush all the hollow and creezes, floorboards and corners, and destroy the bed bugs eggs found in those areas. You also need to clean the inside of your furniture thoroughly. You must remember that some of the bed bugs that will be left behind are going to waste all your efforts.

2- Destroying steam Bed bugs

If you think how to kill bed bugs with steam, it’s good to know that bed bugs are very high in heat. You can try buying a steam machine to destroy the bedbugs that died at temperatures above average 248 ℉. You should clean all the crees, caries, bearings, floors, furniture inside your home or in the area with the steam machine, and you should not skip any detail. However, you should pay attention to a few points during this process:

  • First, you should determine the pressure setting of the machine well. Excessive high pressure can spread around the corners instead of destroying the eggs, causing them to get rid of your activity.It will be an effective way to provide steam in small regions.
  • If you are going to use pesticide in certain parts of your house to kill the bedbugs with pesticides, you should do this not before the steam process. Because high heat can weakten the effects of pesticides.
  • You should keep in mind that you should not apply steam to your electronic devices and sockets.
  • You must descend into the steam process starting from the upper areas such as curtain botes and ceiling corners and apply it to the latest floor.
  • With high-pressure hot steam You should be careful not to burn your hand or face, you must take precautions.
  • You should keep in mind that the areas you provide steam remain moist and not wet. If you have given excess steam to a region, you can get more water with a cloth.
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3- Vacuum cleaner or vacuuming machine

Bed bugs
Vacuum Cleaner Bed Bugs

After brushing and cleaning the areas where bed bugs can live and reproduce and expose them to high temperature by steam machine; You need to clean the same areas with a powerful vacuum cleaner or vacuuming. If you want to kill vacuum bed bugs using the vacuum cleaner, it is good to place a garbage bag in your machine’s dust bag or storage area. Because the bed bugs that stick to the dust bags or run into the vacuum cleaner, they start to spread to your home by regenerating them. Hence with vacuum cleaner; You should vacuuming all possible breeding areas from your bed to your furniture, from the walls to the floor.

4- High temperature

You can fight with high temperatures against the bed bugs that sustain their lives in clothes and bedding. For this, you can clean all your clothes and bed linen, such as sheets, pique, and high temperature with your dryer machine. You can create the same high temperature as the dry cleaners in your home, destroying bed bugs in your clothes and bedding.

To warm up your carpets and furniture, you can ventilate on a sunny day. With the direct effect of the sun, you can cover your furniture with thick black bags to avoid the color of the fabrics and not to expand the plastic parts. The temperature inside the bag must be at least 120 ℉. Therefore, waiting 24 hours under the sun will help you achieve effective results. You can also use portable heating devices to heat up with the bed bugs. You must activate the machine after wrapping your furniture tightly with black thick bags, which will be placed in the mouthpieces of the heater. So you can create a sunny day warmth.

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5- Freeze fighting

In winter, it is possible to fight by freezing with a bed bugs that can be destroyed in extreme cold weather, as in high temperatures. After wrapping your furniture with thick plastic material, you can keep them outdoors for a few days without any sun. Prolonged exposure to temperatures of – 68 ℉ and lower will help to destroy the bed bugs and bed bugs eggs.

6- Using the bed bugs drug

You can evaluate chemical and herbal solutions such as pesticides, siliceous soil and Tea tree spray to combat bed bugs. You should make sure that the pest medication you receive during these procedures is specially produced to kill the bed bug. Because they are resistant to some chemicals, the content of the insect drug in bed bugs varies.

bed bugs kill
Mattress Bugs

If possible, you should not skip the bed bugs in all areas such as cracks, cleft, hollow, corner, floor and furniture. After these procedures, you can see if you have bed bugs for a few days by observing the areas you are using and cleaning the pest medication and keeping a lantern at night. If you see one, you should remember to take the same actions again.

7- Professional solution

If you think about how the bed bugs die and you try all the personal remedies, you need to say that you need professional help if you haven’t achieved a successful outcome. It is also very difficult to identify the areas where bed bugs are found by non-experts. Therefore, even if you partially destroyed by applying different methods, bed bugs will continue to breed in the slots in the areas you cannot notice.

The best thing that can be done to destroy the bed bugs invasion is to get help from a professional company that provides bed bugs spraying services.

1 Comment
  1. […] Bed bugs have recently become a common problem around the world. One of the biggest reasons for this is that long-distance travel fares have fallen extremely low. […]

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