Snoring is a painting that challenges a man’s partner more than he does. Here are 10 questions of snoring and sleep apnea.
However, it is not necessary to take it lightly because that’s why couples have to sleep in separate rooms. One step further, the disease is called “sleep apnea” and affects all kinds of physical functions of the man, from heart health to sexual function.

How Does Snoring Occur?
Snoring is defined as the noisy sound that occurs when the air passes through the oesophagus and gene cavity, which has narrowed for any reason during respiration, and vibrates the surrounding soft tissues. In women, lubrication is mostly seen in the hip area, whereas men tend to snore because they are around the neck and abdomen. Differences in women’s muscle structure are also an advantage for women in snoring.
Is Snoring a Disease?
Snoring without breathlessness in sleep does not harm the person. If there are complaints such as insomnia with snoring, a feeling of lightheadedness hanging on the day, fatigue and loss of concentration, it should be seen as a disease. The treatment of simple snoring is for the cause. But if there is a problem with nasal congestion or soft palate-tongue root, it is necessary to treat it separately and treat it.
What is Sleep Apnea? Do You See it in Young Men?

Sleep apnea means sleep-breathing. Breathing stops can recur frequently throughout the night. It is 4 per cent of young males, compared to 28 per cent for men over the age of 60. Short, fat-bellied, short-necked men are at risk. Especially big tongue, high hard palate, saggy soft palate, long little tongue, small and backed jaw structure, large tonsils, nasal meats, such as problems are the basis for the disease.
How Snoring and Sleep Apnea Affect the Body?
Sleep apnea; From heart attack to paralysis, from sexual dysfunction to obesity, it triggers many diseases. Sleep quality is deteriorating. The person can’t get up rested in the morning. He feels tired and groggy. There are nappings during the day whenever we can. Morning severe dry mouth and headaches, irritability, difficulty in concentration, forgetfulness, night sweats and decreased sexual desire and some of the symptoms of impotence. Furthermore, the risk of heart attack and especially stroke at night increases due to less oxygen to vital organs such as the heart and brain. In addition, during or after sleep breathing stops, there may be irregularities in the heart rate or even short-term stops in advanced cases, increase in pulse rate and blood pressure.
How is Sleep Apnea Diagnosed?
If sleep apnea is suspected, a sleep test is essential to confirm the diagnosis and determine the severity of the disease. Sleep should be examined all night in the sleep lab and many parameters should be recorded and evaluated. In the sleep laboratory, it is determined when the patient is awake, when he is asleep, when he/she is in sleep, and their rates during the night. For this purpose, electroencephalography, eye movements, as well as recordings of muscle activity from the jaw and legs, mouth-nose breathing, chest and abdomen breathing movements, blood partial oxygen pressure, heart beat, etc. many parameters are recorded with electrodes, belts and other sensors placed on the head and body.
How is Sleep Apnea Treated?
First of all, one needs to take some precautions in his or her personal life. In addition, positive compressed air mask called CPAP can be used in suitable patients. Intraoral apparatus are also sometimes useful. CPAP creates a continuous positive pressure in the mouth and prevents loosening of tissues, but patients’ adaptation to this device is quite difficult.
When is Surgical Treatment Recommended? How is it Implemented?

The success of surgical treatment is when you perform the right surgery on the right patient. If there is severe obstruction of the nose; the curvature of the nasal bone and the growth of the nasal flesh should be surgically corrected. A more careful approach is needed for those with tongue root and soft palate problems. The most frequently performed surgical methods are UPPP surgery. With this operation, we aim to reduce soft tissue excesses in the upper respiratory tract, especially tonsils, small tongue and soft palate, and to tighten tissues. This method may not always yield definitive results, years later snoring and apnea may reappear. Therefore, it is more appropriate to do it in selected patients. In addition, tongue suspension, radiofrequency application to the root of the tongue and jaw advancing surgeries can be performed in appropriate patients.
What Are The Personal Precautions That Can Be Taken Against Sleep Apnea?
First of all, one’s social habits should be controlled, smoking and alcohol should definitely be left. Light foods should be eaten at night, flour and sugar should be avoided, if there is obesity, weight should be lost. Walking, swimming and exercising should be done regularly.
Does Sleep Apnea Have An Effect on Sexual Life?
Sleep apnea negatively affects sexual function, sleepless, tired and disconcentration of a body is already not enough in sexual performance. Besides, the blood to the genitals isn’t clean enough because of the low amount of oxygen. The presence of sleep apnea in men who apply to the doctor due to impotence must be investigated.
Sleep Apnea What Happens If Left Untreated?
In a person with sleep apnea, the amount of oxygen in the blood is decreasing compared to normal. Already insomnia and fatigue negatively affect the quality of life. Besides, there’s no clean blood in vital areas of the heart-circulatory system and the brain. This triggers the formation of many diseases, from heart attack to sudden paralysis, hypertension to sexual dysfunction, even obesity. Therefore, if there is a diagnosis of sleep apnea should be made without delay and must be treated.